Friday, January 11, 2008

I'm so hungry

OK, I'm not hungry right now because I just had lunch but I was really hungry last night and went to bed hungry. I guess I'm at that point in my diet where it is real easy to succumb to the hunger and eat. If I can get over this hump, I'll be good for a short while. What I've found in the past is that my body gets used to eating at certain times and I'll get hungry or want to eat at that time even if I had a big meal earlier. Though eating a big meal does tend to dampen the hunger somewhat. When I get out of the habit then I don't get hungry at those times. I've also found that for me anyway, I cannot eat between meal snacks at all. I gain weight. I know that some diets will have you eat say 6 small meals a day to stave off the hunger but I can't keep myself to small meals and when I get hungry at non meal times I want junk food not meal food. And then once I start on the junk food, I can't stop. Or I'll have just a little to take the edge off but I'm starving again within 30 minutes or so, so I have to eat again. Anyway, I did 55 minutes on the treadmill today and 50 yesterday. Almost at an hour.

I won't get to ride today and didn't ride yesterday. I have to pick my son up from school this afternoon so he can help his high school robotics team with their robot this weekend. The weekend looks good for riding though.

I made a hot rice therapy bag yesterday. I didn't fill it because it will be a Christmas gift and I will wait until then so that the scents that I add won't fade before Christmas. I also need to decide what to fill it with. I might use corn instead of rice and lavender buds instead of essential oils. I have enough scrap fabric to make several sets of them and the one I made yesterday looks quite nice. One of these days I'll get pictures.

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