Thursday, January 17, 2008

I'm a bad girl

Here it is Thursday and I haven't posted all week. Bad, Bad girl.
I was so tired Sunday after taking Larry to school, riding and then trying to do the treadmill. I don't remember how long I walked but I don't think it was more than about 30 minutes if that. I was just exhausted. I didn't walk Monday or Tuesday though I did go to Equilates and dancing Monday and Tuesday. I did walk yesterday for 30 minutes. It doesn't look like I'll get to walk today since I waited to long and Ky's friends are here playing games in the basement where the treadmill is. I think she would be very upset if I went down there and walked with them here. The good news it that I do feel better and the scales weighed me at 131.

I didn't get any crafting done this week until today. I finished up making two sets of rice therapy bags.I made these with scrap fabric. The purple and paisley came from a pant and shirt set I made for Ky about 5 years ago. The flower print is from a pillow case and the solid green (though I looks a little blueish in the picture) is from curtains I made for Larry's room when he was an infant. When we moved from that rental house I saved the curtains and have yet to have a use for the material. I plan to make another set of therapy bags from that and the print fabric that went with it.

We had snow last night and school was canceled today. Things are very wet and messy today at the barn. I haven't ridden all week. Maybe tomorrow.

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