I was so tired Sunday after taking Larry to school, riding and then trying to do the treadmill. I don't remember how long I walked but I don't think it was more than about 30 minutes if that. I was just exhausted. I didn't walk Monday or Tuesday though I did go to Equilates and dancing Monday and Tuesday. I did walk yesterday for 30 minutes. It doesn't look like I'll get to walk today since I waited to long and Ky's friends are here playing games in the basement where the treadmill is. I think she would be very upset if I went down there and walked with them here. The good news it that I do feel better and the scales weighed me at 131.
I didn't get any crafting done this week until today. I finished up making two sets of rice therapy bags.
We had snow last night and school was canceled today. Things are very wet and messy today at the barn. I haven't ridden all week. Maybe tomorrow.
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