I also finished my will and powers of attorney today. Will have to work on Lawrence's (my husband) tomorrow. Word of advice, don't work on those sorts of things late at night. I had a lot of trouble getting to sleep last night, not that I was worried about them but just couldn't stop thinking about them. My sister-in-law gave me a book on getting organized for Christmas. I've known I needed to do these things but just keep putting if off, now I have a plan for getting them done. Went to the library today to get some books on how to plan a funeral. Yuck.
Finished up my latest craft project. It is an arm chair caddy to hold my work. I'm always misplacing my hooks or needles, etc.
You can find the pattern here.
I also wanted to post a picture of my before Christmas project, a purse, checkbook cover and wallet.
Time to go watch Dr. Who.
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