Monday, August 8, 2011

365 Days of De-Cluttering: Day 143

Well, it's been a month since my last post. July was just so busy that something had to go. Unfortunately blogging and decluttering was one of the things that had to go as was cleaning house. So my house looks way more cluttered than it should be just because I haven't straightened up lately. But now that all the horse shows are done and most of the produce from the garden has been put up for the winter things can get more back to normal. That doesn't mean I don't have a lot to do, I do, but I hope I can get back to daily decluttering.

I did manage to get some of the things I had to donate to the Women's shelter to the shelter. I still have some more to take that will go next week.

So for today I will take credit for the toner cartridge I returned to Office Max to be recycled a couple of weeks ago.

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