Monday, May 16, 2011

365 Days of De-Cluttering: Day 91

I'm doing Tuesday's blog report a day early because I don't think I will have time to do it tomorrow and while looking for a recipe book, I decided to get rid of some of the ones I don't use or have never used. There is a cabinet in our kitchen that is stuffed full of recipe books and loose recipes. I found a small stack of papers and a few books to recycle. And then there are about 10 books that I will donate, either to the library, the woman's shelter or to Goodwill. I haven't decided yet but will later today. There were 3 recipe booklets that  I want to go through before I toss them as well. Any recipes I find that I like will be torn out of the booklet and put in my main recipe book. The one with stuff I actually cook on a regular basis. Most of the recipes in it came from the internet and not a book

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