Friday, March 11, 2011

365 Days of de-cluttering: Day 25 & 26

I have my Master Gardner class on Thursday which  makes it hard to do a post on that day. But yesterday I mostly just got side tracked with other things when I got home. So once again, I'll do yesterday's and today's in one post.

For yesterday, I have 3 tops to give away. These are squiny (I know, not a real word) that my neighbor gave me for dancing. They didn't really fit then, they don't really fit now and show way too much skin. If my figure were better and I was 10+ years younger, then maybe.

For today, a red jacket. This was the jacket I wore when we got married. I guess I gave the skirt and top away years ago. It's pretty worn out even though I haven't worn it in years. I think I will incorporate it into my memory quilt even though the fabric is a very different texture than the rest. But I think the memory that it represents is important enough to make it fit somehow.

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